I recently posted on Facebook about the ongoing trial of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin for killing George Floyd in police custody by kneeling on his neck. There were not a lot of comments on the post, but one in particular definitely caught my attention. I'm not going to post the individual's name here; suffice to say that he is an acquaintance from when I lived on the island of Saipan. Actually, "acquaintance" is probably stretching it: we met once when we were paired up to search a certain area of the jungle for a friend who had gone missing. So we spent a few hours searching together one time a couple years ago. I did not even realize that we were FB friends until I saw this comment today. I will post it in its entirety, and then break it down with my responses.
Here is his comment:
When I initially read his comment, my first instinct was "delete and block." Because I am learning how to be a better antiracist activist, however, I decided not to go with my first instinct. Instead, after clearly stating my disagreement with his position, I took the time to address each of his racist opinions and misinformation with evidence-based facts and statistics. Here is my initial response:
I’ve watched a good bit of the TRIAL which includes ALL the video footage and absolutely does NOT support your statements. You are not only completely wrong about white people, but you’re ignoring America’s history of oppression and even enslavement of Black people. To think that character is based on the color of one’s skin is so foolish, so ignorant, so contradicted by ACTUAL SCIENCE. You should do yourself a favor and watch the medical testimony, particularly the pulmonary and critical care expert. All the experts completely debunked the allegation that his death was even drug-RELATED. I’ll post the link to the testimony in a minute.
I worked in criminal [j]ustice for many years so I have seen firsthand that White people can be every bit as depraved and evil as any other race. I truly hope that you will re-examine your feelings/beliefs in light of the facts rather than other people’s racist opinions. I’ll post a couple related links there too.
I do find your statements repulsive and personally offensive, but I’ll keep this thread open for now in the hopes that you will open your heart.
I subsequently added the following:
I’d like to add two more points: (1) You live on the island of Saipan which has an extremely tiny percentage of Black residents. Are you basing any of your knowledge on personal experience with Black people? Do you have any Black people in your life?
(2) I have not had a television in over 15 years, so I don’t watch any networks unless I specifically look something up on Google and there’s no paywall. I get most of my news from award-winning newspapers and journalists. For issues related to race, I read evidence-based scientific, sociological, and historical sources. I don’t not believe something because it is some reporter’s opinion. I go to the source. Learned that in law school.
Then, after taking the time to look up the sources I needed and verify the accuracy of what I was writing, I fully responded to his initial comment, line by line. I'm posting my responses here in the hopes of starting a discussion about how (and whether) we should respond to this kind of open racism.
This is not an easy thing to do. It took nearly two hours of reading, thinking and attempting to write effective responses to his assertions. I am not sure that this is the best approach to take. It is more like an experiment testing how this method of arguing on social media fares against other methods. I am interested to know what other methods people have tried and whether anyone has had any success in terms of the receptiveness of the other party (or other "friends" who followed the discussion).
Here is how I responded to his comment. Note that his statements are bolded bullet points, followed by my responses in italics:
- These things don't happen to white people because so very few white people behave in that fashion.
- So very few [white people] have put pistols to the belly of pregnant women.
- So few [white people] have knowingly passed counterfeit money.
- So very few [white people] resist arrest after numerous opportunities not to do so.
- Almost none have spent 4 years in jail for home invasion and armed robbery.
- And fewer [white people] still have ingested enough fentanyl to kill two men.
- All these things, and I'm sure many more, influenced Floyd's behavior on the night in question.
- Chauvin was a good cop doing his job.
- Not the tripe foisted by the likes of the Cartoon News Network and the rest of their MSM ilk.